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How to enhance the value of your CSR strategy ?


How to enhance the value of your CSR strategy?

Have you just implemented a CSR strategy ? But you want it to be perfectly valorized? Don't panic, it's always possible to do it externally as well as internally. Would you like to know more? To get advice on the different actions you could implement? Let's find out together! Indeed, we are going to give you the different actions to implement for a CSR strategy that is valued externally, but also for it to be valued internally. Are you ready? Then let's go !

1. Valorize your CSR strategy by obtaining labels.
2. Communicate and draw attention to your efforts.
3. Make sense of your employees by integrating them into your strategy.
4. Tell your community about your results.

"Csr is not just buzzwords: brand social responsibility, brand purpose, wokeness, inclusiveness, sustainability, quality of work life, transparency..."
Insight We Trust, TBWA, CSR edition, February 2020.

Integrating employees

Your employees should not be put aside when building your CSR plan. Indeed, they must be real stakeholders so that you can easily integrate them. Also note that this strategy must really be understood by all employees for it to have a real impact. Your employees can be real ambassadors for your company's CSR strategy. Feeling involved in your approach will allow them to give meaning to their work.

Bring the information down

Indeed, if you are a large company, you can call upon a small committee of employee volunteers who will propose solutions adapted to your company. Not all employees will be able to participate, so many will not be aware of what may have been said. It is therefore important to communicate so that each employee can be on an equal footing in terms of information.

In the same way as the external valuation, you can perfectly vary your communication supports: newsletters, dynamic screens in the common areas or display in your premises, for example.

It is therefore perfectly possible to promote your CSR strategy both externally and internally. Nevertheless, for a perfect combo, you can combine both strategies. Indeed, having employees who are true ambassadors of your values will allow you to have an external visibility concerning the latter. Rather practical as an idea, don't you think ?

Measure the impact of its actions

If you put a CSR strategy in the environmental, social or economic field, it is to take action.

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Exonération fiscale pour les entreprises - faire un don caritatif !

Don caritatif

Exonération fiscale pour les entreprises - faire un don caritatif !

Vous avez envie de faire un don à une association ? En tant qu’entreprise, cela se nomme “mécénat”. Mais savez-vous vraiment de quoi il en retourne ? Si ce n’est pas le cas, pas de panique, nous allons vous donner toutes les informations nécessaires au sein de cet article. Notons également que nous vous expliquerons les différents types d’exonérations fiscales que vous pourrez trouver. Alors, prêt à en apprendre davantage ? Restez avec nous, c’est par ici que ça se passe !

1. Devenir mécène permet d’obtenir des réductions sur les charges sociales, patronales et également sur les impôts payés par l’entreprise.
2. Pour bénéficier d’une exonération fiscale, l’entreprise peut faire un don financier mais également matériel.
3. Il faut cependant remplir un certain nombre de conditions afin de bénéficier de cette exonération.
4. Le montant de la réduction fiscale dépend du type d’organisation bénéficiant de la donation.
5. Il existe des plafonds qu’il est important de respecter.
6. Les demandes d'exonérations sont facilement accessibles, mais dépendent des cantons dans lesquels l’entreprise se situe.

“Le mécénat d’entreprise a connu une augmentation spectaculaire, passant d’environ 150 millions d’euros en 2004 à près de 1 200 millions en 2012.”
Guillaume Cerutti, Mécénat culturel. Pour un acte deux, Commentaire 2013/3 (Numéro 143), p. 623-628.

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